Improve your app security with CORS and CSP
Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and Content Security Policy (CSP) are HTTP response headers which when implemented help to improve the security of a web…
An introduction to session management for web application
A web session is a sequence of network HTTP request and response transactions associated with the same user. Modern and complex web applications require the…
Manage you own CA without manual configuration
In most cases you do not need to set up your Node.js server to us HTTPS/SSL since it is very common to deploy your backend behind a reverse proxy like Nginx…
Implementation details of a value object in Typescript
I regained the desire, drive and enthusiasm about a month ago and threw myself into getting acquainted with Domain Driven Design and Typescript. It has been a…
An example implementation of a domain model
In the last article I described the implementation differences between entity objects and value objects where the most significant difference is that entity…
A small peek into how DDD can help you focus on the right thing
When I used to start a new Node.js project, I usually started with analyzing and modelling the RESTful API and possible the database schemas and models. This…
The case of Domain Driven Design
Domain-Driven Design is an approach to software development that centers the development on programming a domain model that has a rich understanding of the…
Install apollo server with Express.js
Apollo Server can be used with several popular libraries for Node.js like Express, Koa, Hapi. It is agnostic to libraries, so it's possible to connect it with…
Pros & Cons using GraphQL
RESTful service is one of the most popular design choices to connect client applications with servers. In REST, everything evolves around the idea of having…
Use mediator pattern to handle objects that needs to know about each other's state
Working as a consultant in the software industry is a real challenge in many ways, and as a self-employed consultant it's even more. There are different roles I…
How to use the intersection API to animate components
As a web developer we know how important it is to provide a professional UI for the users of your application. A big part of that is the ability to take…
Use refs in react to keep rack of the dom element
One of the reasons why React is so popular is the declarative way you build apps in React. React is built from components and as a developer it's your…
Fetching data in React
When I tested React for the first time, think it was 2015, I started with simple applications that did not use remote data - instead I created data models…
Encapsulation and inheritance in JavaScript
Object-Oriented Programming, OOP, refers to using self-contained pieces of code to develop applications. We call these self-contained pieces of code objects…
JSS based styling solutions for your React.js app
CSS-in-JS has been one of the biggest developments of the past few years in the CSS world. Just like preprocessors bypassed CSS to introduce their own set of…
Styling solutions for your React.js app
In this article series, I will highlight and explain common different styling solutions for you React based front end application. The first part will cover…
Article about creating a tree view component
In this article I will describe a practical example of when I created a tree view component for this web site - using GraphQL to query data from Gatsby…
An introduction about variable scopes and hoisting
In this article I will go through JavaScript’s variable scope and hoisting and some of the peculiarities of both of them. It is important to understand how…
What is worker threads and - when and, how to use them in Node.js
Worker Threads are available in the Node.js module. Before we dive into my example use of Worker threads in Node.js, we will see what are worker threads and…
How to use useContext Hook in React
One of Reacts last new features are the Hooks API's and, they really shine when creating function components. One of the Hooks is called useContext and in this…
How and when to use context api in your React.js app
Managing state is arguably one of the hardest part of any application and, It's why there are so many state management libraries available. Search NPM and you…
JavaScript prototype in more details
Prototype is a fundamental concept that every JavaScript developer must understand, and this article aims to explain JavaScript’s prototype in plain, detailed…
What is JavaScript objects and how to deal with them
JavaScript’s core, and most often used, and most fundamental data type is the Object data type. JavaScript has one complex data type, the Object data type, and…
Node.js event loop explained
As a software developer it is very important that we choose our tools, platforms and methodologies, etc right. We need to decide what is the actual value we…
Node.js architecture - overview
As per Wiki : Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment for executing JavaScript code server-side. Historically, JavaScript was…